WHAT IS FCA SPORTS? FCA Sports is how coaches and athletes compete as FCA. FCA Sports provides an exceptional sports experience where trained coaches and volunteers are committed to the wholistic growth and development of the athlete. In FCA Sports, coaches are committed to a Biblical framework of coaching that serves the physical, mental and spiritual development of athletes. This is a journey where faith and sports are integrated, where competition is about becoming all God has made us to be, and where the greatest win is the development of competent and confident disciples of Jesus Christ.
To lead every coach and athlete into a growing relationship with Jesus Christ and His Church.
To see the world transformed by Jesus Christ through the influence of coaches and athletes.
To run the best off-campus league and club sports experience through FCA Sports.
First Baptist Brandon Rec 216 N. Parsons Ave. Brandon, Florida 33510
Phone: 813-315-3281 Email: [email protected]